I think there are always going to be companies that have a lot of problems with their computer systems, and companies that do not. Our company has been in the latter category for quite a while and outside of the recent problem that required RAID recovery, we actually haven’t done all that badly. In fact, I think we have managed to choose the vendors that we deal with pretty smartly and as a result we have ended up with a lot fewer hard drive failures than I would’ve expected. I guess though that I do have to realize that we need to do a lot more planning. This raid recovery, as an example, ended up being a lot more troubling to us than it needed to be. I didn’t know at the time if the company we chose would perform an effective raid recovery, and certainly once I discovered they were fantastic, I felt good. The problem with that was that it took a long time to find them, as it is not easy to find someone who specializes in raid servers.
RAID Recovery Was the Start of Our Troubles
I think there does come a time in pretty much every IT administrators life when he’s being pulled in almost every direction. Usually, you can handle system issues one by one and make sure that all of your users are very satisfied with their overall your experience. But, there are going to be those times when all of these issues begin to pileup and you are going to find yourself highly stressed. As an example, I recently had a complete failure of the server that required RAID recovery. Taken alone, this would have been such a difficult situation overall, but then suddenly we had a number of other SAN failures, and I realized that our network was not as strong as I thought it was. When you have a bunch of machines failing it once, you begin to realize just where the holes in your network are. So although the raid recovery was a good thing to get completed, it really was only the start of our troubles.
Exchange Recovery Tip
I can agree that there are always going to be computer issues and pretty much any organization that uses them. The hope for most organizations is that you want to make sure that each computer failure or hard disk crash doesn’t actually affect all that many people. Obviously, for something like an Exchange recovery situation, this is very impossible. By it’s very nature, the Microsoft exchange system is one that is used frequently by hundreds or thousands of people within an organization. So obviously, when one fails it has the ability to destroy a lot of the productivity that has been gained by the company over the year. But, isn’t all that difficult to recover from an exchange recovery situation when you have the right backups in place. A lot of companies run a separate server with a completely cloned Microsoft exchange database in order to assure them of continuity. If you do not have one in your organization, you should probably get one going right away.
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